I have been working with people in the healing fields for 17 years. Training in, practicing and teaching various forms of counselling, healing and massage as well as supervision for counsellors.
Since 1996 I have been practising shamanism, studying with Jonathan Horwitz and Annette Høst and, since 1997, assisting on and organising their shamanic courses in England. As a shamanic practitioner I have gained experience over six years from my daily work with people. My own training, development and shamanic practice is ongoing as is the help and guidance of my spirits. My commitment to working with integrity includes regular supervision and attending a monitoring and training group, which supports safety and ethics in practice. My search has always been to find a place where personal and spiritual development, creativity and healing meet; for me they are one at the heart of shamanism.I offer this work to bring an ancient practice to our modern lives with respect and relevance, it complements training courses such as those offered by Jonathan Horwitz, Annette Høst and teachers working with The Scandinavian Center for Shamanic Studies.
Kathy Fried | The Silver Birch Centre | 29 Chambers Lane, London. NW10 2RJ | +44 (0)20-8459-3028 | info@kathyfried.co.uk
last updated: 19 May, 2006 12:19